We are at Labor Day already. Wasn’t that a fast summer, or did we miss something? Labor Day prepares us for the fall which will soon be upon us. The work of this beautiful season prepares us to transition into cooler and more brisque temperatures. The children will be back at school, vacationers will be returning home, yards will be raked. When we look at the Scriptures this weekend, they highlight the works of the Christian. St. James instructs us to “be doers of the word and not hearers only.” Then he goes on to remind us of what “works” God expects us to do: “care for orphans and widows in their affliction and keep oneself unstained by the world.” This is the work that our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to do. So, I would like to list all the specific ways that our parish is performing the works of God by our actions and not remain passive hears only:
1. Next Sunday, September 8th, we start the year off with our Parish Picnic. We will be celebrating the 10:30am Mass outdoors just before the picnic. Let’s all do the “work” of welcoming one another to a new parish year and meet our new parishioners!
2. On Sunday, September 15th, we begin our Family Faith Formation year for parents and their children. There
will be a teaching Mass at 9:15am for parents and children in the church as we begin the work of education.
3. The Parish Social Committee is excited and working hard creating new programs based upon what you sent
back to us in the parish survey. This is your parish so what you think really means a lot to us.
4. We will introduce a new program called “Chat with Fr. John & Sr. Marjorie” on Mondays starting September
23rd, right after morning Mass. You can ask any questions about the faith, bible, tradition that you’ve been
wanting to know. Our discussion will be enjoyable work as we enjoy each other & refreshments.
5. On Saturday, October 5th after the 4pm Mass, we will celebrate International Food Night in the parish hall.
We take time to celebrate the many nationalities that attend our parish. We encourage you to do
some culinary work by bringing food from your culture that all can sample!
After you’ve read this, count all the times I underlined the word “work.” Do you think we are doing the Lord’s work?
I certainly do! ~ Fr. John